Tee-shirt Storage – RV Tip

An alternate use for a shoe holder

t-shirts in shoe holder

There was plenty of room in each slot for two rolled-up tee-shirts. Other pockets held rolled-up washcloths, down booties, shower shoes (encased in a plastic bag to hold them together neatly), and my hand exercise squeezer gizmos.

What other things can you think of to put into these slots?

About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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9 Responses to Tee-shirt Storage – RV Tip

  1. Jan Forseth says:

    Love the t-shirt idea! I’ve been known to put bottles and other stuff in mine, but never thought of t-shirts.


    • judilyn says:

      I was nervous about putting glass in there, but the tee-shirts can be rolled up pretty tightly for maximum use and are compressible and flexible, allowing other smaller things to be put into the same slot if there is room. This method takes up a lot less room than having the tee-shirts folded up in a drawer. Also other items do not “leak” into the space vacated as the tee-shirts are worn and placed into the laundry hamper.


  2. Carol Nagengast says:

    This would be useful for short trips via air travel, too. On arrival at your destination lodging, 50% of your unpacking could be done in a second. No fumbling around a packed suitcase!

    Liked by 1 person

    • judilyn says:

      What a great idea! Sort of like those roll-up jewelry cases of old, and the hang-up toiletries cases. Would be great for staying in someone else’s home, too. No need to encumber bureau drawers. I haven’t packed a suitcase in twenty years, but I’m thinkin’ that one of these holders could be cut into two pieces – or whatever size would fit into the designated suitcase – and then fill the slots and place them face to face to put a filled pocket into an open space. Or if just one set is needed, shoes, perhaps, or other items could be nestled into the open spaces around the filled pockets. Then a layer of jeans, or something solid to hold everything in place. Lots of possibilities dancing around in my head – yours too? ;->


  3. Linda Sand says:

    I had one of these just inside the door of a previous RV. It can hold all those things you want when coming or going: keys, sunglasses, GPS for geocaching, visor, bug repellant, sun block, house slippers. etc.


  4. Jelane says:

    Love this idea! what a great way to make things visible. I currently use packing bags in my duffle bag. When we sometimes need to go into a hotel, I just grab what I need for the night and next morning so I don’t have to lug stuff in. I wish they made these shoe things in mesh!


    • judilyn says:

      I’m glad you approve. I was awed by your closet! I still have some of my “work” clothes. I always had to dress up, so had a lot of pretty things. I gave away most of the suits, but kept three – and about twenty of the frilly blouses that I favor. They are in a box, but if I had room, I would just hang them up to enjoy looking at them. I’ve been retired since 1994, but still enjoy the thought of dressing up like I did “back then”! ;->


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