Turmeric Salad

They say turmeric is good for joint pain.  Anyone with experience on this subject?

I’ve been putting it in a lot of foods as I eat them.  It wasn’t too bad on this cottage cheese, but certainly isn’t a flavor I would seek out.  Lightly curried talcum powder is how I would describe it. 

It was good in bread as it gave it a nice color without any of the flavor.   The teff and sesame seeds helped!


About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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23 Responses to Turmeric Salad

  1. I’ve only ever tried turmeric in my curry and steamed buns, loved it in curry not so sure about them in the steamed buns haha

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gypsy97 says:

    I lightly sprinkle it on scrambled eggs while cooking them, as well as in other foods such as pinto beans. I try to use a light hand – I think it looks like you have an awful lot of it on your cottage cheese. I like to get the flavor of it as I do in the eggs which often have a few other things mixed in – leftover veggies, bacon or sausage, etc. But I’m not quite ready for heavy doses of it. (Also, it stains and I worry about it staining my teeth and partial denture.) I take two capsules of tumeric each morning along with a probiotic, and I noticed quick relief from the pains after my gallbladder removal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • judilyn says:

      We were just discussing the use of capsules. Do you think they are as good as the powder?


      • gypsy97 says:

        I prefer them over the powder because I think I actually take more in with the( capsules. The amt of tumeric extract in a serving, 2 capsules. is 1000 mg. I buy Costco’s Nature’s Lab Tumeric CurcuminC3 with Bio-Perine (Black Pepper Extract). I like getting my regular dose every day and consider what I sprinkle on food to be supplementary because I don’t use it every single day. I take the tumeric & probiotic together and have noticed a 1000% difference! Can’t recommend it highly enough, although allow 6-8 wks to reach the full results.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Jan says:

    I use Tumeric everyday in my smoothie, when I don’t use my feet let me know before long of working and standing on cement floors at work.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dale says:

    Turmeric does have anti-inflammatory characteristics. I try to use 1/4 teaspoon of the ground organic root, 3 times a day. I normally mix it with about a jigger of warm water. This is the daily amount recommended by Dr Oz’s father in law, also an MD.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Andrea E. says:

    I have been buying the root and putting it through my garlic press along with ginger in my tea. I’ve been doing the ginger for years and just added the turmeric. I like it as a tea when bought as tea. It also is supposed to be good in milk. http://nutritionstripped.com/turmeric-milk/ and digests and is absorbed better with other foods. Also I think curry powder has turmeric in it and so that is good on eggs, veggies and the like. I agree that the powder is kind of weird and chalky.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I totally agree of your description of the taste! It’s bearable in a curry spice mix, but I’m not a fan of it on it’s own.
    I also tried the fresh root, and came up with the same conclusions.

    As for treating joint pain with it, I’m not sure if a bit of it with food can make that much of a difference, while I read somewhere that high amounts of it can interfere with iron absorption… So I guess “in moderation” is the key here too. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  7. skd says:

    Though turmeric is used in every dish in my kitchen, I have never used it in salad. Because I was afraid it may taste strong when sprinkled raw. Have to try it now.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Liz says:

    Oh yes so you also used Turmeric. How exiting. I’ve cooked with turmeric the whole week and grown to like it even more!!! The salad looks spectacular. The kind I should be eating for lunch. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the sunshine. It’s snowing right now, but the view is beautiful so I’ve nothing to complain about, Have a lovely weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. thegreyeye says:

    Yes, it is good for pain. It has a lot of good effects. Even someone gets hurt it is heated with limestone and painted against the hurt limb.


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