Is It a Quiche or an Omelette ?



Another chapter in the life of my new Cuisinart Oven Central.

Inspired by an email from a friend (waving to Laurie), who also has one of these beauties, wherein she told me about all the wonderful things she was making, I did some kitchen rearranging to bring the Oven Central to front and center for ease of use.  Out with the toaster oven.  This appliance does everything (at least so far) that the toaster oven did, with the help of a regulation toaster for just plain toast.  Just plain toast is usually better made in a regulation toaster anyway, yah?

My plan had been to change out my toaster oven for the glitzy Breville toaster oven that I have been lusting after for many years, but after having acquired the Oven Central, I find that I like the combination of a regulation toaster and the Oven Central much, much better.  So far, the toaster oven has stayed put in the cabinet in the utility room.  It remains to be seen how this all shakes out, but . . . so far, so good.

So . . . mid-week, DH asked me to reheat his two leftover blueberry pancakes from Sunday, along with some bacon, and a couple of poached eggs.  I’m not that fond of pancakes (at least if there are eggs around), so I heated up the pancakes and the bacon in the Oven Central, and served them up with the poached eggs done on the stove.  I put down a piece of parchment paper lest the blueberries burn onto the pan.  They didn’t, of course, but did reheat to complete freshness in just a couple of minutes.  The fact that there is heat coming down from the top makes a huge difference in how quickly and evenly things cook/reheat.

Once the pancakes, etc. were served, this left the already heated up Oven Central for me to experiment with.  I wasn’t sure when I started what I had in mind, but just started hauling goodies out of the refrigerator.  I ended up with a few items on the counter:

Havarti dill cheese, a bit of deli ham, a Yukon gold potato (cooked), part of a Vidalia onion, and a couple of eggs.

Below is the final result.  I was too quick on the draw (read: hungry) to remember to chop up some of the fresh red pepper, and surely lamented that lapse when I put it out on the plate and it looked so drab.

But a sprinkle of extra dill weed, and some blueberries helped cheer it up.  My trusty taster declared its possible deliciousness.  Having already consumed his blueberry pancake breakfast, there were covetous eyes cast upon my plate.  And, yes, of course I shared.



About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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28 Responses to Is It a Quiche or an Omelette ?

  1. taphian says:

    looks great, Judie. Hope you are fine. Virtual hugs Mitza


    • judilyn says:

      All’s well here. It is the hottest two weeks of the year right now, though.

      Liked by 1 person

      • taphian says:

        Then we have something in common. We just have 32-34 degrees C, which is 93 F. Not a good weather for biking, have to wait for the evening.


        • judilyn says:

          We get this hot spell every year just before the monsoon rainy season. Most of the year it is quite lovely, so we muddle through these few weeks.

          Liked by 1 person

          • taphian says:

            you probably have aircondition or do you put your clothes in the freezer like Marilyn Monroe did in “the Seven Year Itch”?


          • judilyn says:

            We have a very good air conditioner, for which I am very grateful! We keep it at 80 degrees in the house, though, so as not to overload the grid by running the air conditioner at top speed.

            Liked by 1 person

          • taphian says:

            good, so you think about the environment, too.

            Liked by 1 person

          • judilyn says:

            Indeed we do. !!!

            Liked by 1 person

          • taphian says:

            great, you’re some of the very few in USA who do this.

            Liked by 1 person

          • judilyn says:

            Actually there are quite a few here who are VERY concerned about the world’s needs. They just don’t get the publicity they deserve.

            Liked by 1 person

          • taphian says:

            Good to know that, Judie. America doesn’t have a good reputation for environmental questions here.


          • judilyn says:

            Yes, there are many people here who are . . . well, I don’t want to get into name calling. It really is an embarrassment. The conservationist-type groups are harassed by those with money and an agenda. We contribute where we can and conserve where we can, and there are many like us, but the publicity goes to those who shout the loudest. The current vocal candidate for president is an abomination to any life form, but there are those who feel differently. I don’t understand it, hence our almost total withdrawal from society.

            Liked by 1 person

          • taphian says:

            It must be very hard when you are prudent and intelligent to live amongst such people. Looking at the news (elections) I find it very hard to understand how people can vote for such a person. That’s rather dangerous to give such people the power over radioactive weapons etc. Leading a tribe was made by the most experienced and intelligent in former times by the First Nations and not by a shouting goof. What do they all find about him? The majority might not always be right and following your own way, even when it means to be more or less alone, is still the best and most worthy solution. I must congratulate you, Judie.


          • judilyn says:

            We pretty much just stay to ourselves and concentrate on nature and our own physical well being, which is quite enough to keep us busy. The “finger on the trigger” aspect is, indeed, terrifying. We often wonder how it looks to those in other countries.

            Liked by 1 person

          • taphian says:

            I can tell you, it looks very strange that people want to choose crazy persons for president. But I’m happy that you are so different. I wish you a nice day, I’m closing down now, virtual hugs Mitza


  2. K says:

    Do you do take out? Looks yummy!


  3. gypsy97 says:

    I can’t believe anyone would call your omelet/quiche to be drab!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love my Oven Central!


  5. I still say it’s an omelette… Interesting little oven! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kim says:

    You are making the most of your new toy!

    Liked by 1 person

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