Good News !!!


Below is a copy of an email that I sent out yesterday to friends and family, but I wanted to share this wonderful news with the friends that I have made through this blog. The picture above was taken in 2005, and is one of my very most favorites! It was taken up in Washington, when we spent eighteen glorious months in the Pacific Northwest. Some day we hope to go back to spend more time there.


Greetings to all –

Just got back from the doctor visit today, and Gary’s blood value markers are all UP! His platelets were the biggest winner, going from 46 a few weeks ago, to 64 two weeks ago, to 77 last week, and now 110 this week, which is just astounding. Only once since his transplant have they been that high! “Normal”, mind you, is 150, but 110 is very much welcomed.

He’s still off the meds for another week to get him in tip top shape, and then he’ll be going back on the meds, but at a much reduced dosage – 10mg. instead of 25mg.. And there will be about three months on, and then two off for as long as it looks like this will be effective. There was no talk of another transplant today, so that was good.

He goes back next week to make sure everything is continuing to climb, and will get a bone survey to make sure there are no plasmacytomas building up anywhere like it did in his sinus cavity last fall. At the end of September, there will be a bisphosphonate infusion, and, if everything is still crankin’ along okay, we may be able to take off for the month(s) of October and/or November. Not sure how far we will try to go; maybe just to New Mexico or northern Arizona, but we sure hope to go SOMEwhere in our poor, neglected motorhome!!!

Rejoice with us! ;->

Virtual hugs,


About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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36 Responses to Good News !!!

  1. gypsy97 says:

    I am so happy to hear the news of Gary’s great improvement. Hope it continues to get better and better.


  2. Jan Miller says:

    Such great news for U both, could it be all that good cookin’?

    Sent from my iPhone



  3. Fred Krafcik says:

    Excellent news… If ever in Lake Havasu City, AZ I’ll have a spot for you to park with 30 amp service. Keep healing!


  4. Clanmother says:

    I am rejoicing and celebrating!!! Even hopping up and down with joy!!!


  5. Dale Ellis says:

    Please tell Gary that I am very happy for his good news! It would be really great if the two of you can get away for awhile. Just don’t go too far North or too high in elevation during November. Last time I checked, Lazy Daze do not have 4WD. πŸ˜‰


  6. Shirley says:

    Words cannot express how happy I am to read your good news that Gary is doing so much better ! I’m sure all that good care and cooking had lots to do with it!! I hope you will be able to get away on trip before winter! Many Blessings and much love .


  7. Glad to hear and hopefully it will only get better. No doubt the good food has a lot to do with that! πŸ™‚


    • judilyn says:

      Just finished up a bowl of deee-licious cream of broccoli made with super thick chicken bone broth. Could hardly scrape it out of the Mason jar. He could feel it go directly to his bones! ;-> Will blog it in a few minutes. It was soooo delicioso!


  8. lorna dunham says:

    Judi, that is wonderful news. I’m happy for you both. Might such good eating habits and delicious food have something to do with Gary’s success?!!!


    • judilyn says:

      We certainly hope so! The vicious cancer cells have a mind of their own, but we are trying to keep them whacked down as much as possible. Multiple Myeloma is a blood disease, so hard to get at the little buggers! They just merrily keep making too many of one kind of white cells and crowding out the needed ones.


  9. M says:

    I followed you just few days ago, but I’m happy with you too! Those are great news and I rejoice with you ^^


  10. Steve Rebus says:

    Wow, fantastic news!! Thanks so much for sharing. πŸ™‚


  11. taphian says:

    Wonderful news, Judie, virtual hugs Mitza


  12. bjdewell says:

    Wow, is that good news! Congratulations – you both worked hard to get those numbers, I hope the next results are even better! πŸ™‚


  13. miltonjohns says:

    Wonderful news, I’m really pleased to hear this. I really hope the good news continues now. Take care both of you. Best wishes XX


  14. Sherry says:

    Just FANTASTIC!! So happy for you. Our news is about the opposite unfortunately.


    • judilyn says:

      Thanks, Sherry. You have to take all the numbers together to get a good reading. The M-spike isn’t the only important number. Gary’s has never been below 1.0.


  15. Sharon says:

    Judie, I am thrilled for you both! Way to go!!!!


  16. LFFL says:

    Oh, YAY!! Happy, happy day!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


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