See-through Skull

Gary on

When he is on the gurney, as shown in the previous blog post, this is what is shown on one of the computer screens in another room. Today was fraction seven – out of ten. His double vision is abating somewhat for close work, but is still a problem for mid- to far-ranges. So, hopefully, we’ve got that nasty critter on the run.

He is at his most handsome in the top right image, yes?

About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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23 Responses to See-through Skull

  1. gypsy97 says:

    Could be a statue of a Greek god! Isn’t it amazing, and kind of scary, what technology has allowed doctors to see and do?


  2. Craig says:

    Fascinating images. He looks like Kier Dullea (2001 Space Odyssey).

    What are the various colors indicating?


    • judilyn says:

      Funny you should reference 2001. It is one of Gary’s favorite movies – “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

      Not a clue what the colors mean; the technician went to college for seven years to learn to do this. I had hoped to see something at my level, i.e. an incredibly shrinking red blob. But his improved eyesight tells us that something is happening.


  3. Shirley Nordenberg says:

    Glad to hear he is ” seeing” some good results. I’m keeping him in my prayers


  4. Linda S. Oliaro says:

    Thanks for keeping us posted, Judi. Glad things are going well so far. Take care… XO Linda and Gary


  5. Liz says:

    What cool images. I also love the top right one. Glad to hear the vision is improving gradually. I hope the mid to far ranges will follow suit. Judy thanks for being so positive despite all the circumstances you’re facing. My best wishes to your better half. You are an awesome couple for sure. All the best!


  6. Clanmother says:

    So glad to hear that there has been progress! Indeed, he is handsome! The technology is amazing.


  7. Sherry says:

    How did I know the title meant these images. Great news that the bad guy is shrinking.


  8. LFFL says:

    Totally handsome!


  9. LFFL says:

    Hope all’s well over there, Judilyn!


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