The Graduate


Thursday was the last of the radiation treatments. Whew! A really nice touch is that when a patient is finished a course of treatment, the staff all gathers around to give the graduate (and spouse!) a lei, a “Congratulations on your Graduation” greeting card signed by all of the folks on the super-caring staff, a hug, and hearty well wishes. There is a little hand-operated green and purple soap bubble-making machine that cranks out a happy atmosphere, along with little wrapped candies for all. This particular day there was a huge tray of Christmas cookies available! ;->

I didn’t think to take a picture during the festivities, but when we got home, the backyard provided the perfect venue to show how that mask looks when not nailing him down to the gurney. We are happy, indeed, to have this part of the treatment behind us. His eyesight has improved greatly, but it may very well be several months before the best outcome possible will be achieved.

With the radiation out of the way now, maybe the side effects of the chemotherapy drugs will also lessen. This has been one sick puppy for the last three weeks.

Despite all this, he is still smiling, and most of the time has a cheery attitude. To see a close up of his cheery attitude, click on the picture once, let it load, and then click again. His smile is sure to brighten your day as much as it does mine! ;->

About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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27 Responses to The Graduate

  1. dreamjosie says:

    Lookin’ good Gary! What a nice little ceremony. They sound like great people. Glad Gary’s eyesight is improving and so glad that part of it is over. Hugs all around.



    • judilyn says:

      Thanks, Jo. He has been asleep most of the time over the last few days. The flu shot gave him a mild case of 24-hour flu, but he is better now. The rest is best for healing purposes, so it is good he is able to just snooze away whenever the mood strikes him – which is often.


  2. Just watch out that he doesn’t get any Mrs. Robinson ideas.

    Congrats on being done with that stuff!


  3. Peggy Bohler says:



  4. What a beautiful picture and smile! So glad this milestone has been reached, and wish you both only good things for the future. Isn’t it wonderful how the good oncology folks are so thoughtful and cheery? I found that when my ex was going through all the rounds of chemo – the staff who treated him were so great and it makes a big difference.


    • judilyn says:

      Thank you, Martha. He really is tickled to still be alive after all these years. The staff is just great everywhere we go.


    • judilyn says:

      Hopefully we can get through the upcoming rounds of chemotherapy. He is not reacting well to the drugs so far. These last progression-free six years have been without any maintenance chemotherapy at all, so these drugs are really making him fairly uncomfortable.


  5. rita lineburg says:

    it is wonderful to see that, and to see him with such a good “I won again ” look on his face I don’t know if I would be that strong.


    • judilyn says:

      Oh, but you WERE, Rita! Brave girl! Did you see blog entry the other day with the fox? We wonder if it is the same one that used to come up here when Carol and Earl lived here.


  6. LFFL says:

    Oh, YAY, for you guys!! How awesome and he looks just FABULOUS! I saw that big closeup smile, too. 🙂


  7. Linda says:

    The fox photo was gorgeous, amazing, delightful. But it doesn’t hold a candle next to this photo of your own ‘personal’ fox. Good on you both.


  8. Clanmother says:

    Fantastic news! I am celebrating with you. Have a wonderful weekend….


  9. Shirley Nordenberg says:

    So happy to see Gary’s wonderful smile and to know things are doing OK. Prayers are always with you .


  10. Dale Ellis says:

    I’m glad for both of you that is now behind you.


  11. Linda says:

    Judi – all the best to you and Gary. Have a happy, blessed, and healthy holiday and new year! XO Linda and Gary


  12. Tommy says:

    Heeeey big hugs to Gary ❤
    Its really great.
    Regards from Denmark


  13. bjdewell says:

    That’s absolutely wonderful! Congratulations! Gary does look happy, and his positive attitude must make a difficult situation a bit easier for you both. Continued improvement to you, Gary!!! 🙂


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