New Dessert Favorite – Raspberries

With the summer’s produce avalanche, we have been getting our fill of delicious fruits for cereal toppings and desserts. The raspberries have been particularly luscious this year.

In combination with shreds of chocolate, and our new favorite nut (filberts/hazelnuts), we are in hog heaven.

nuts rasp

About judilyn

RV'er, foody, knowledge seeker
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5 Responses to New Dessert Favorite – Raspberries

  1. Clanmother says:

    Red is the hardest colour to photograph – and your photo is absolutely beautiful. I can only imagine how delicious they are.


  2. Liz says:

    I have spent the whole week baking raspberry breads. Raspberry and chocolate, raspberry and banana, raspberry and nuts. I have enjoyed the raspberry week. Your dessert combination is great! have a lovely day!


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